Risperidone Drug Study

Friday, February 20, 2009

In making a Drug Study, the following elements must be present: Generic Name and the Brand name (not all brands, just the brand used by the patient), Action, Indication, Pregnancy Category, Drug Classification, and Contraindication, Adverse Effect, Drug interaction and Nursing Consideration/Intervention…. Most clinical instructors preferred this to be in a long bond paper in printed or handwritten with paper in landscape.


Brand Name: Risperdal

Pregnancy Category C

Drug classes: Antipsychotic, Benzisoxazole

Therapeutic actions

Mechanism of action not fully understood: blocks dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, depresses the RAS; anticholinergic, antihistaminic, and alpha-adrenergic blocking activity may contribute to some of its therapeutic and adverse actions.


· Treatment of schizophrenia

· Delaying relapse in long-term treatment of schizophrenia

· Unlabeled uses: bipolar disorder; treatment of patients with dementia-related psychotic symptoms


· Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to risperidone, lactation.

· Use cautiously with cardiovascular disease, pregnancy, renal or hepatic impairment, hypotension.

Adverse effects

Insomnia, anxiety, agitation, headache, somnolence, aggression, dizziness, tardive dyskinesias, Orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmias, Rash, dry skin, seborrhea, photosensitivity, Nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal discomfort, dry mouth, increased saliva, Rhinitis, coughing, sinusitis, pharyngitis, dyspnea, Chest pain, arthralgia, back pain, fever, neuroleptic malignant syndrome

· Increased therapeutic and toxic effects with clozapine

· Decreased therapeutic effect with carbamazepine

· Decreased effectiveness of levodopa

Nursing considerations

· Maintain seizure precautions, especially when initiating therapy and increasing dosage.

· Mix oral solution with 3–4 oz of water, coffee, orange juice, or low-fat milk. Do not mix with cola or tea.

· Monitor T. If fever occurs, rule out underlying infection, and consult physician for appropriate comfort measures.

· Advise patient to use contraception during drug therapy.

· Follow guidelines for discontinuation or reinstitution of the drug carefully.


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